Slow down.....
I can see the twinge of anger
The hand coming down banger
There is that passion and fire
And the energy that won't tire
Looking life through a magnifying glass
Will not breeze you through to pass
The difficulties and the pain will exist
Frowns and tears hard to resist
Blame not others for your faults
It is time for you to sky vaults
Rise from the ashes like a phoenix
Cool down and relax your mind mix
Life is a complete circle and a balance
Not a blank verse to freelance
If your anger boils you down
To the same heat you too will frown
The world today needs something more
Not unhappiness and complaints sore
Prick the political balloon with truth darts
Now we need, less hot heads and more warm hearts....
We need
Less of this

More of


The hand coming down banger
There is that passion and fire
And the energy that won't tire
Looking life through a magnifying glass
Will not breeze you through to pass
The difficulties and the pain will exist
Frowns and tears hard to resist
Blame not others for your faults
It is time for you to sky vaults
Rise from the ashes like a phoenix
Cool down and relax your mind mix
Life is a complete circle and a balance
Not a blank verse to freelance
If your anger boils you down
To the same heat you too will frown
The world today needs something more
Not unhappiness and complaints sore
Prick the political balloon with truth darts
Now we need, less hot heads and more warm hearts....
We need
Less of this
More of
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