Living Life....
You betray looking into my eyes
You tear my heart touching it
You burn my skin wiping my tears
You wake me up to dreaded reality
Life is not easy as you say
Trying to make me understand
The complex yet simple truths
With which I have to live on
I try to look through your tough skin
Knowing deep down that you are sensitive
And you try to hurt me now
That I need not cry in pain later
Your old experience you don't wish
But you do forget sometimes that
New circumstances will sting me
Unstoppable and unforgivingly
You can't see me in agony
But everything is a part of life
And when I am near breaking
I know, I can look back and expect
I know you will be there always
Standing like stone no matter what
All your external harshness is
Washed by unconditional care
You flow love looking into my eyes
You hold my heart touching it
You heal my skin wiping my tears
You push me to hopeful future....
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