My Hero....
You know every time
When I think of you
I miss you a lot
More than you think
Sometimes I say and show
I keep quiet at times
But its the same always
When I am alone in the crowd
I understand you are busy
You have so much to do
With so little time in hand
You cannot be everywhere
You want to see me smile
Even when I give you tears
Whatever pain was mine
I know you will gladly take
The sound of your voice
From anywhere on this earth
Is the sweetest piece of music
And the best lullaby to me
You may not be here
To rock me to sleep today
But the warmth of your arms
Are always protecting me
Dad, wherever you are
Whatever you are doing
However you are faring
Never forget- I love you!

When I think of you
I miss you a lot
More than you think
Sometimes I say and show
I keep quiet at times
But its the same always
When I am alone in the crowd
I understand you are busy
You have so much to do
With so little time in hand
You cannot be everywhere
You want to see me smile
Even when I give you tears
Whatever pain was mine
I know you will gladly take
The sound of your voice
From anywhere on this earth
Is the sweetest piece of music
And the best lullaby to me
You may not be here
To rock me to sleep today
But the warmth of your arms
Are always protecting me
Dad, wherever you are
Whatever you are doing
However you are faring
Never forget- I love you!
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