Is everything a compromise?

Our whole life exists in making compromises- as a growing child, a changing adolescence, a competitive young adult, a managing middle age adult and a fully lived life of old human. We try to adjust and try to see that we blend with the society that has created us. So two questions arise in our minds-"Should I follow the rules that society has created for me?" or "Should I break out of the societal norms?". Today, a lot of youth like me follow rules in studies and break rules in life. In life, we keep repeating this cycle and lack the satisfaction that we search. We all dream that we want to grow up to become something different and something that quenches our thirst. In the same time, we need to sustain ourselves by earning enough. Again it is one or the other compromise. To which one do we answer- self satisfaction or money? In home, we come back tired from a whole day of activities and we are expected to help our families with at least a bit of chores and wor...