Before dawn is the darkest hour of the night!
When in life you don’t know where to go, how to go, what to do or even why to move ahead, that is the time when you see light. That is the hope to lead life fruitfully again. In 2000 I never realized that I would see that beautiful form of hope who will time and again be my motivation-my best guide. We are born, we grow, we mature, we grow old and die but all this while we are still children of God`. Like a small child, I am still trying to grow with my mother who still takes my hand and makes me walk. On that day of 2000, I met my loving father with whom I get into trouble but stands as reassuring pillar of strength for my adventures. That divine form is my best friend whose caring hands have wiped my tears and pushed me off the mountain so that I can fly higher. For every step that I take today, there is a debt of gratitude that will take many lives to pay back. ...